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The Seaforth Highlanders. Various. Bagpipe sheet music.


Seaforth Highlanders. Eri. Säkkipilli nuotteja.


The Seaforth Highlanders. Standard Settings of Pipe Music. Composed by Various. For Bagpipes. Music Sales America. Traditional, Folk. Softcover. 144 pages. Paterson Ltd. #PAT31100. Published by Paterson Ltd.. HL.14029531. ISBN 085360908X. Traditional, Folk. 10x7 inches. Despite the amalgamation of Regiments and the many changes that have occurred in the British Royal Army since 1926, when this collection was first published, piping has remained an essential tradition of a Highland Regiment. The reprint of this collection emphasizes the piping tradition and as the forerunner of books of regimental pipe music, it holds a special place in the bibliography of piping. 25th K.S.O.B's Slow March. 72nd Highlanders. 72nd Highlanders' Advance On Pei-war-kotal. 72nd Highlanders' Farewell To Aberdeen. 72nd Highlanders' Farewell To Edinburgh. 72nd Highlanders' Gathering 1901. 78th Highlanders' Farewell To Belgaum. 78th Highlanders' Farewell To Fort George. 78th Highlanders' Farewell To Montreal. 78ths' Walk Round. Ale Is Dear. Alistair Macallister. All The Blue Bonnets Are Over The Border. Allangrange. Aspen Bank. Atholl And Breadalbane Gathering. Back O' Benachie. Back Of The Change House. Badge Of Scotland. Ball That Was In Oban. Balmoral Castle. Bannocks Of Barley Meal. Barren Rocks Of Aden. Battle Of Killiecrankie. Battle Of Tamai. Battle Of The Somme. Because He Was A Bonnie Lad. Behind The Bush In The Garden. Black Bear Hornpipe. Bonawe Highlanders. Bonnie Black Haired Laddie. Bonnie Country Garden. Braemar Highlanders. Braes Of Castle Grant. Brahan Castle. Brechin Castle. Brig Of Perth. Brose and Butter. Brown Haired Maid. Bugle Horn. Bundle And Go. Cabar Feidh March. Cabar Feidh Strathspey. Caithness Reel. Caithness Volunteers. Caledonian Society Of London. Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle. Cam'ye By Atholl. Captain Campbell. Captain E.B.B. Towse V.C. Captain G.W Anderson. Captain Grant. Captain Horne. Captain Jack Murray. Captain Macdonald. Captain N.T Macleod M.C D.C.M. Captain Oldfield's Welcome To Kilravock. Carles Wi' The Breeks. Castle Forbes. Castle Wemyss. Charms Of Whisky. Christmas Carousal. Climbing Duniquaich. Cluny's Reel. Colonel J. A. Campbell. Colonel Robertson, Toronto Highlanders. Colonel Sinclair. Corn Rigs. Corran House. Corriechoillie. Craig Millar Castle. Crusaders' March. Cuidich'n Righ. Cutty's Wedding. Daft Donald. Dark Lowers The Night. De'il Among the Tailors. Devil's In The Kitchen. Dornoch Links. Dovecote Park. Drouthie Carle. Duchess Of Roxburgh. Duke Of Gordon's Birthday. Duntroon Castle. Earl Of Mansfield. East Neuk O' Fife. Eastwood Cottage. Fair Maid Of Oban. Fairy Dance. Farmer's Daughter. Fingal's Weeping. Flowers Of The Forest. Foot It Neatly. General Stewart Of Garth. Glasgow Gaelic Club. Glendaruel Highlanders. Green Hills of Tyrol. Greenwood Side. Grinder. Happy We've Been A' Thegither. Haste to the Wedding. Haughs Of Cromdale. Hawk That Swoops On High. Hearken My Love. Heights Of Alma. Hey Ho My Bonnie Lass. High Road To Gairloch. Highland Brigade At Magersfontein. Highland Brigade At Tel-el-kebir. Highland Cradle Song. Highland Harry. Highland Laddie. Highland Lassie Going To The Fair. Highland Society Of London, Highlands Of Banffshire. Highlanders' March. Highway To Linton. Hills Of Glenorchy. Ho Fill Your Glass. Hot Punch. I Hae A Wife O' My Ain. I Love The Highlands. I'll Gang Nae Mair Tae Yon Toon. Invercauld. Isle Of The Heather. Jennie's Black E'e. Jenny Dang The Weaver. Jenny's Bawbee. Jessie Brown Of Lucknow. Jock Wilson's Ball. John Bain Mackenzie. John Bain Mackenzie's Sister's Wedding. John Mackenzie. John Roy Stewart. Johnnie Campbell. Johnnie Cope. Kilt Is My Delight. Lads Of Mull. Lady Mackenzie Of Fairburn. Lady Mackenzie Of Gairloch. Lady Madeline Sinclair. Lady Seaforth. Land O' The Leal. Loch Leven Castle. Loch Tay Side. Lochaber No More. Lochiel's Away To France. Lord Blantyre. Lord Byron. Lord James Murray. Lord Lovat's Lament. Lord Panmure. Lord Robert's March To Khandahar. Louden's Bonnie Woods and Braes. Macdonald Of The Isles. Macdonald's Away To The War. Macgregor Of Rora. Mackay's Farewell To The 74th. Mackay's Reel. Mackenzie Highlanders. Mackenzie's Farewell To Sutherland. Mackenzie's Men. Mackenzie's Reel. Macleod's March. Macphedran's Strathspey. Macpherson's Lament. Maids Of Kintail. Maids Of The Black Glen. Major Frew. Major John Maclennan. Major Norman Orr Ewing. Mallorca. March To The Battlefield. Marion And Donald. Market Place Of Inverness. Mason's Apron. Midlothian Pipe Band. Miller O' Drone. Miss Drummond Of Perth. Miss Girdle. Mist Covered Mountains. Mrs. MacLeod Of Raasay. Mrs. Ross. Mrs. Stewart Of Grantully. Muckin O' Geordie's Byre. Mull Of The Mountains. Munlochy Bridge. Murray's Welcome. Murree Hills. My Home. My Lodging's on the Cold Ground. My Love She's But A Lassie Yet. My Native Highland Home. New Year's Gift. O' But Ye've Been Long A ' Coming. O'er The Bows To Ballindalloch. O'er The Hills And Far Away. O'er The Moor Among The Heather. O'er The Water To Charlie. Oh But Will You Come Down To Town. Pibroch O' Donal Dhu. Piper Of Drummond. Piper's Cave. Portree Men. Princess Of Wales. Quaker's Wife. Red Coat. Red Rory's Short Coat. Road To The Isles, Skye Gathering. Robert Campbell. Rothiemurchus Rant. Sailor Boy. Sandy Duff. Sandy King's Breeks. Scotland is my ain hame. Siege Of Delhi. Sir Colin Campbell. Sir Colin Mackenzie. Sir John Fowler. Sleep, Drearie, Sleep. Sleepy Maggie. Smith Of Chilliechassie. Smith's a Gallant Fireman. Sons Of The Mountains. Speed The Plough. Steam Boat. Stirling Castle. Sweet Maid Of Glendaruel. Tail Toddle. The Campbells Are Coming. Thick Lies The Mist On Yonder Hill. Thompson's Dirk. Three Girls Of Portree, Willie Murray. Top Of Ben Lomond. Torosay Castle. True Lover's Lament. Tulloch Gorm. Wandering Piper. War Or Peace. We Will Return To Kintail. Weary Maid. Wha'll Be King, But Charlie. When The Battle Is Over. When You Go To The Hill Take Your Gun. White Cockade. Wind That Shakes The Barley. Wooed And Married An' A'. Youghal Harbour.


Seaforth Highlanders. Standard Asetukset Pipe Music. Säveltänyt Various. For Bagpipes. Music Sales America. Perinteinen, Folk. Softcover. 144 sivua. Патерсон ООО. Julkaisemat Paterson Ltd. HL.14029531. ISBN 085360908X. Perinteinen, Folk. 10x7 tuumaa. Huolimatta yhdistäminen rykmenttiä ja monia muutoksia, jotka ovat tapahtuneet Britannian kuninkaallisen armeijan vuodesta 1926, kun tämä kokoelma julkaistiin, putkisto on pysynyt olennainen perinne Highland Regiment. Uusintapainos Tämän kokoelman korostaa putkisto perinteen ja edelläkävijä kirjoja regimental putken musiikkia, sillä on erityinen paikka bibliografia putkiston. 25. K.S.O.B hitaassa maaliskuuta. 72. Highlanders. 72. Highlanders "ennakkoa Pei-war-kotal. 72. Highlanders "Farewell To Aberdeen. 72. Highlanders "Farewell To Edinburgh. 72. Highlanders "Gathering 1901. 78. Highlanders "Farewell To Belgaum. 78. Highlanders "Farewell To Fort George. 78. Highlanders "Farewell To Montreal. 78ths "Walk Round. Ale on rakas. Alistair MacAllister. Kaikki Blue Esilinssit Over Border. Allangrange. Aspen Pankki. Atholl Ja Breadalbane Gathering. Back O 'Benachie. Back Of Change House. Badge of Scotland. Ball Se oli vuonna Oban. Balmoral Castle. Bannocks ohrajauhoja. Barren Rocks Of Aden. Battle Of Killiecrankie. Battle Of Tamai. Sommen taistelu. Koska hän oli Bonnie Lad. Behind Bush In The Garden. Black Bear Hornpipe. Bonawe Highlanders. Bonnie Musta tukkainen Laddie. Bonnie Country Garden. Braemar Highlanders. Braes Of Castle Grant. Brahan Castle. Brechin Castle. Brig Of Perth. Brose and Butter. Brown tukka Maid. Bugle Horn. Niputtaa ja mennä. Cabar Feidh maaliskuuta. Cabar Feidh Strathspey. Caithness Reel. Caithness Vapaaehtoiset. Caledonian Society of London. Campbellin Jäähyväiset Redcastle. Cam'ye By Atholl. Kapteeni Campbell. Kapteeni E.B.B. . Kapteeni G.W Anderson. Kapteeni Grant. Kapteeni Horne. Captain Jack Murray. Kapteeni Macdonald. Kapteeni N.T. Macleod M.C D.C.M. Kapteeni Oldfield n Welcome To Kilravock. Carles Wi "breeks. Castle Forbes. Castle Wemyss. Viehätysvoima Whisky. Joulu juomingit. Kiipeily Duniquaich. Cluny Reel. Eversti J. A. Campbell. Eversti Robertson, Toronto Highlanders. Eversti Sinclair. Corn Rigs. Corran House. Corriechoillie. Craig Millar Castle. Ristiretkeläisten maaliskuussa. Cuidich'n Righ. Cutty Wedding. Daft Donald. Tumma Alentaa Night. De'il joukossa räätälit. Paholaisen In The Kitchen. Dornoch Linkit. Dovecote Park. Drouthie Carle. Herttuatar Roxburgh. Duke Of Gordon syntymäpäivä. Duntroon Castle. Earl Of Mansfield. Itä Neuk O 'Fife. Eastwood Cottage. Fair Maid of Oban. Fairy Dance. Farmer tytär. Fingalin Weeping. Flowers Of Forest. Jalka Se Siististi. Yleinen Stewart Of Garth. Glasgow Gaelic Club. Glendaruel Highlanders. Green Hills Tirolin. Greenwood Side. Mylly. Hyvää Olemme olleet "Thegither. Kiireessä Wedding. Haughs Of Cromdale. Hawk Se swoops On High. Kuulkaa My Love. Korkeudet Alma. Hey Ho My Bonnie Lass. High Road To Gairloch. Highland prikaatin Magersfontein. Highland prikaatin Tel-el-Kebir. Highland Kehtolaulu. Highland Harry. Highland Laddie. Highland Lassie Going To Fair. Highland Society of London, Ylämaa Banffshire. Highlanders 'maaliskuu. Highway To Linton. Hills Of Glenorchy. Ho Täytä Your Glass. Hot Punch. I Hae Wife O 'My Ain. I Love Highlands. Otan Gang Nae Mair Tae Yon Toon. Invercauld. Isle Of Heather. Jennie Black E'e. Jenny Dang Weaver. Jennyn Bawbee. Jessie Brown Lucknow. Jock Wilsonin Ball. John Bain Mackenzie. John Bain Mackenzie sisaren häät. John Mackenzie. John Roy Stewart. Johnnie Campbell. Johnnie Cope. Kiltti Is My Delight. Pojat Of Mull. Lady Mackenzie Fairburn. Lady Mackenzie Of Gairloch. Lady Madeline Sinclair. Lady Seaforth. Land O 'Leal. Loch Leven Castle. Loch Tay Side. Lochaber No More. Lochiel Away Ranskaan. Lord Blantyre. Lord Byron. Lord James Murray. Lord Lovat n Lament. Lord Panmure. Lord Robert maaliskuusta Khandahar. Louden n Bonnie Woods ja Braes. Macdonald Of Isles. Macdonald Away To War. MacGREGOR Rora. Mackay n Farewell To 74.. Mackay n Reel. Mackenzie Highlanders. Mackenzie n Farewell To Sutherland. Mackenzie Miehet. Mackenzie Reel. MacLeod maaliskuussa. Macphedran n Strathspey. Macpherson Lament. Kotiapulaisten Kintail. Maids Musta Glen. Major Frew. Major John Maclennan. Major Norman Orr Ewing. Mallorca. Marssia Battlefield. Marion ja Donald. Torilla Inverness. Mason essu. Midlothian Pipe Band. Miller O 'Drone. Miss Drummond Of Perth. Miss Girdle. Mist Covered Mountains. Rouva MacLeod Of Raasay. Rouva Ross. Rouva Stewart Of Grantully. Muckin O 'geordie n Byre. Mull Of Mountains. Munlochy Bridge. Murrayn Tervetuloa. Murree Hills. My Home. Oma Majoitus on kylmän Ground. My Love Hän Mutta Lassie vielä. Oma Native Highland Home. Uudenvuoden lahja. O 'Mutta Ye've ollut pitkä "Coming. O'er kumartaa Ballindalloch. O'er Hills And Far Away. O'er Moor joukossa Heather. O'er vettä Charlie. Voi Mutta Will You Come Down To Town. Pibroch O 'Donal Dhu. Piper Of Drummond. Piperin Cave. Portree Miehet. Walesin prinsessa. Quaker vaimo. Red Coat. Red Rory lyhyt turkki. Road To Isles, Skye Gathering. Robert Campbell. Rothiemurchus Rant. Sailor Boy. Sandy Duff. Sandy Kingin breeks. Skotlanti on minun ain hame. Siege Of Delhi. Sir Colin Campbell. Sir Colin Mackenzie. Sir John Fowler. Sleep, Drearie, Sleep. Sleepy Maggie. Smith Chilliechassie. Smithin Gallant Palomies. Sons Of The Mountains. Speed ​​Plough. Steam Boat. Stirling Castle. Makea Maid Of Glendaruel. Tail taapertaa. Campbells Are Coming. Paksu Lies usva Yonder Hill. Thompsonin Dirk. Kolme Girls Of Portree, Willie Murray. Top Of Ben Lomond. Torosay Castle. True Lover Lament. Tulloch Gorm. Vaeltava Piper. Sota tai rauha. Palaamme Kintail. Weary Maid. Wha'll Be King, mutta Charlie. Kun taistelu on ohi. Kun menet Hill Take Your Gun. Valkoinen Cockade. Tuuli, joka ravistaa Ohra. Kohderyhmänä ja naimisissa "". Youghal Harbour.