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Religious Favorites. James Bastien. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.Käännös
Uskonnolliset suosikit. James Bastien. Piano Menetelmä nuotteja. Piano Solo nuotteja. Alku.Alkuperäinen
Religious Favorites composed by James Bastien. For piano. Solo collection. Bastien Older Beginner Piano Library. SMP Level 1. Elementary. Solo Collection. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.WP41. ISBN 849750415. This comprehensive collection contains easy piano arrangements of popular sacred selections. Includes a wide array of gospel, spiritual, and folk selections, including traditional hymns for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Very little hand movement and the introduction of 3 note chords. Come, Thou Almighty King. My Faith Looks Up To Thee. When I Survey The Wonderous Cross. Jesus Shall Reign. Faith of Our Fathers. For The Beauty Of The Earth. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow. Sun of My Soul. Abide with Me. More Love To Thee. We Gather Together. Praise To The Lord. O Master Let Me Walk With Thee. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Lead On, O King Eternal. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus. Onward Christian Soldiers. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name. Blest Be The Tie That Binds. The Church's One Foundation. Jesus Calls Us. Rock Of Ages. Fairest Lord Jesus. Come Holy Ghost. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name. Nearer, My God to Thee. I Would Be True. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. I Love Thy Kingdom Lord. O Worship the King. Take My Life, and Let It Be. In The Cross of Christ I Glory. Break Thou The Bread Of Life. My God, How Endless Is Thy Love. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken. Let Us With A Gladsome Mind. Come, Christians, Join To Sing. Glory Be To The Father. God, That Madest Earth And Heaven. Holy. Holy. Holy. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus. The King Of Love My Shepherd Is. All Glory, Laud and Honor. Crown Him with Many Crowns. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Amazing Grace. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. He Leadeth Me. Shall We Gather at the River. Just As I Am. Bringing In The Sheaves. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Beulah Land. Jesus Saves. Work, For The Night Is Coming. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross. I've Found A Friend. Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling. Joy, Joy, Joy. In The Sweet By And By. Were You There. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Go Tell It On the Mountain. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Steal Away. When The Saints Go Marching In. Jacob's Ladder. Amen. Let Us Break Bread Together. Kum Ba Ya. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come. Now Thank We All Our God. We Plow The Fields And Scatter. Sing To The Lord Of Harvest. Away In A Manger. Joy To The World. The First Noel. Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Angels We Have Heard On High. Silent Night. O Little Town of Bethlehem. O Come All Ye Faithful. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today. Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain. The Strife Is O'er. The Day Of Resurrection. O Perfect Love. All Things Bright and Beautiful. Jesus Loves Me. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam. Little Drops of Water. This Is My Father's World. Father, We Thank Thee For the Night. Tell Me The Stories Of Jesus. Jesus Loves The Little Children. Praise Him, All Ye Little Children. Father, Lead Me Day by Day. Sunday Morning. God's Watch. Faith. God's Touch. Lord, You Are My Sunshine. Count Your Blessings.Käännös
Uskonnolliset suosikit säveltänyt James Bastien. Pianolle. Yksin kokoelma. Bastien Vanhemmat Aloittelija Piano Library. SMP Taso 1. Alkeis-. Solo Collection. Julkaissut Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.WP41. ISBN 849750415. Tämä kattava kokoelma sisältää helposti pianosovitusta suosittuja pyhiä valintoja. Sisältää laajan valikoiman evankeliumin, hengellisen ja folk valinnat, mukaan lukien perinteiset virret kiitospäivä, joulu ja pääsiäinen. Hyvin vähän kädenliikkeellä ja käyttöönotto 3 huomautuksen sointuja. Tule sinä Kaikkivaltias kuningas. My Faith ihailee sinua. Kun minä Kysely Wonderous Cross. Jeesus on kuningas. Faith of Our Fathers. For Beauty Of The Earth. Ylistys Jumala on kaikkien siunauksien. Sun of My Soul. Jää Me. Enemmän Love To Thee. Kokoonnumme. Praise To The Lord. O Master Let Me Walk With Thee. Jeesus, Lover of My Soul. Etumatka, kuningas Eternal. Stand Up, Stand Up Jeesukselle. Onward Christian Soldiers. All Hail The Power Of Jeesuksen nimessä. Blest Ole Tie, joka sitoo. Kirkon One Foundation. Jeesus kutsuu meitä. Rock Of Ages. Oikeudenmukaisin Herra Jeesus. Tule Pyhä Henki. Pyhä Jumala, me Praise Thy Name. Lähempänä, Jumalani Sinulle. Olisin True. Jeesus, nimes kaunoisin. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. I Love Thy Kingdom Lord. O Jumalanpalvelus kuningas. Take My Life, ja Let It Be. In Kristuksen risti I Glory. Rikkoa Sinä Bread Of Life. Minun Jumalani, miten Endless onkaan sinun rakkautesi. Glorious Things Sinusta puhutaan. Let Us With gladsome Mind. Tule, kristityt, Join To Sing. Kunnia olkoon Isän. Jumala, joka Madest maan ja taivaan. Pyhä. Pyhä. Pyhä. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus. King Of Love My Shepherd Is. Kaikki Glory, Laud ja Honor. Kruunu Häntä monta kruunua. Rakkaus Divine, All Loves Excelling. Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Vain Closer Walk With Thee. Amazing Grace. Mikä ystävä meillä on Jeesuksessa. Hän ohjaa minua. Shall We Gather at River. Just As I Am. Tuominen Sheaves. Battle Hymn tasavallan. Beulah Land. Jesus Saves. Työtä, Night Is Coming. Jeesus, Keep Me Near Cross. Olen löytänyt ystävän. Kaunis Isle Of Somewhere. Makea Hour of Prayer. Softly ja Tenderly Jeesus kutsuu. Joy, Joy, Joy. Vuonna Suloinen ja. Were You There. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Nobody Knows The Trouble olen nähnyt. Go Tell It On Mountain. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. Steal Away. Kun Saints Go Marching In. Jaakobin tikapuut. Aamen. Let Us murtamaan leipää yhdessä. Kum Ba Ya. Tule, olkaa kiitolliset ihmiset, Tule. Nyt Thank We All Our God. Me Auran kentät ja Scatter. Laula Herralle Harvest. Away seimeen. Joy To The World. First Noel. Hark Herald Angels Sing. Angels olemme kuulleet korkea. Silent Night. O Little Town of Bethlehem. O Come All Ye Faithful. Jeesus Kristus on noussut kuolleista Tänään. Tule, Ye Faithful, Raise Strain. Riitaisuus on sylen syöksi keihäsvartta. Ylösnousemuksen päivä. O täydellinen rakkaus. All Things Valoisa ja kaunis. Jeesus Loves Me. Jeesus loi minut Sunbeam. Pikku tippa vettä. This Is My Father Maailma. Isä, me kiitämme Sinua Night. Tell Me Stories Of Jesus. Jeesus rakastaa Little Children. Ylistäkää häntä, kaikki kirkkaat Little Children. Isä, Lead Me Arkielämää. Sunday Morning. Jumalan Watch. Usko. Jumalan Touch. Herra, You Are My Sunshine. Count Your siunausta.Hiljattain tehdyt kyselyt