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150 Easy Piano Children's Songs. Various. Easy Piano sheet music. Beginning.Käännös
150 Easy Piano lastenlauluja. Eri. Easy Piano nuotit. Alku.Alkuperäinen
150 Easy Piano Children's Songs composed by Various. For Piano. Keyboard. Easy Piano Songbook. Children's and Novelty. Difficulty. easy-medium. Songbook. Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics and chord names. 320 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.310708. ISBN 0634025260. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics and chord names. Children's and Novelty. 8.5x11 inches. This hit-filled collection promises to provide kids. and their parents. hours of entertainment. This Old Man. Kum Ba Yah. A-Hunting We Will Go. Good News. Simple Simon. Frog Went A-Courtin'. Lavender's Blue. Goober Peas. Michael Finnegan. Simple Gifts. Goodbye, Old Paint. All Night, All Day. The Sow Took The Measles. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. I'm Gonna Sing When The Spirit Says Sing. Great Day. Little Bitty Baby. Alouette. Alphabet Song. Hallelu, Hallelujah. I'll Be A Sunbeam. My Country, 'Tis Of Thee. America. America, the Beautiful. The Mermaid. Sleep, Baby, Sleep. Cinderella, Dressed In Yellow. Mrs. Murphy's Chowder. Animal Fair. A-Tisket A-Tasket. Go Tell Aunt Rhody. The Ole Grey Goose Is Dead. Baa Baa Black Sheep. Barnyard Song. Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Friends. The Bear Went Over The Mountain. The Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Crack Corn. Lullaby. Cradle Song. Buffalo Gals. Won't You Come Out Tonight. Cider Through A Straw. Cindy. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. The Crawdad Song. Did You Ever See A Lassie. Down By The Station. The Drunken Sailor. Eensy Weensy Spider. The Farmer in the Dell. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. The Fox. Frere Jacques. Are You Sleeping. Good Night Ladies. Goosey, Goosey Gander. Grandfather's Clock. The Grey Goose. Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Hey Diddle Diddle. Hey, Ho. Nobody Home. Hickory Dickory Dock. Home on the Range. Hot Cross Buns. Humpty Dumpty. Hush, Little Baby. I've Been Working On The Railroad. If You're Happy And You Know It. It's Raining, It's Pouring. Jack And Jill. Jacob's Ladder. Joshua. Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Lazy Mary, Will You Get Up. Little Bo-Peep. Little Boy Blue. Little David Play On Your Harp. Little Jack Horner. Little Miss Muffet. London Bridge. The Man On The Flying Trapeze. Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. The Mulberry Bush. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Oats, Peas, Beans And Barley Grow. Oh Dear. What Can The Matter Be. Oh. Susanna. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone. Old Dan Tucker. The Old Gray Mare. Old Joe Clark. Old King Cole. On Top of Old Smoky. Pay Me My Money Down. Peanut Sat On A Railroad Track. Pease Porridge Hot. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater. Polly Put The Kettle On. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pop Goes the Weasel. Reuben And Rachel. Rig-A-Jig Jig. Ring Around The Rosie. Rock-A-Bye, Baby. Rock-A-My Soul. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Sailing, Sailing. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain. Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Sourwood Mountain. Ten Little Indians. There's A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea. Three Blind Mice. There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe. When The Saints Go Marching In. The Gospel Train. Yankee Doodle. Git Along, Little Dogies. You're A Grand Old Flag. Zum Gali Gali. Old Blue. The Paw Paw Patch. Dry Bones. How Dry I Am. Three Little Kittens. Oh How Lovely Is The Evening. Three Little Pigs. Where, O Where Is Dear Little Susie. The Tailor And The Mouse. Mister Rabbit. The Leatherwing Bat. Hey Lolly, Lolly. Down In My Heart. Bye, Baby Bunting. Do As I'm Doing. The Monkey Song. The Muffin Man. The Old Hen Cackled. Roll Over. Run, Children, Run. Shake That Little Foot. There Was A Man And He Was Mad. Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son. There's A Hole In The Bucket. Bingo. Do Your Ears Hang Low. Over the River and Through the Woods. Skip to My Lou. Mary Had A Little Lamb. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.Käännös
150 Easy Piano lastenlauluja säveltänyt Various. Pianolle. Näppäimistö. Easy Piano Songbook. Lasten ja uutuus. Vaikeus. easy-medium. Songbook. Laulu melodia, pianon säestyksellä, sanoitukset ja sointujen. 320 sivua. Kustantaja Hal Leonard. HL.310708. ISBN 0634025260. Kanssa laulu melodia, pianon säestyksellä, sanoitukset ja sointujen. Lasten ja uutuus. 8.5x11 tuumaa. Tämä osuma täytetty kokoelma lupaa tarjota lapsille. ja heidän vanhemmilleen. tuntia viihdettä. This Old Man. Kum Ba Jahve. -Metsästys We Will Go. Good News. Simple Simon. Frog Went A-Courtin '. Lavender Blue. Goober Peas. Michael Finnegan. Simple Gifts. Hyvästi, Vanha maali. All Night, All Day. Kylvä Otti Tuhkarokko. Old MacDonald Had Farm. Aion Sing Kun Henki sanoo Sing. Suuri päivä. Pikku Bitty Vauva. Kiuru. Alphabet Song. Hallelu, Hallelujah. Tulen Sunbeam. My Country, 'Tis Of Thee. Amerikka. Amerikassa, Beautiful. Mermaid. Sleep, Baby, Sleep. Tuhkimo, pukeutunut keltainen. Mrs Murphyn Chowder. Eläinmessut. -Tisket-Tasket. Mene Kerro täti Rhody. Ole Grey Goose Is Dead. Baa Baa Black Sheep. Barnyard Song. Be Kind To Your Web-jalkainen Ystävät. Bear Went Over The Mountain. Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Crack Corn. Kehtolaulu. Kehtolaulu. Buffalo Gals. Ei You Come Out Tonight. Siideri pillin läpi. Cindy. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Crawdad Song. Oletko koskaan nähnyt Lassie. Down By The Station. Drunken Sailor. Eensy Weensy Spider. Maanviljelijä Dell. Sillä hän on Jolly Good Fellow. Fox. Frere Jacques. Nukutko. Good Night Ladies. Goosey, Goosey Gander. Isoisän Kello. Grey Goose. Hail, Hail, Gang on kaikki täällä. Hänellä on koko maailma käsissään. Hei Diddle Diddle. Hei, Ho. Nobody Home. Hickory Dickory Dock. Home on the Range. Hot Cross Pullat. Humpty Dumpty. Hys, pieni vauva. Olen työskennellyt Railroad. Jos olet tyytyväinen And You Know It. Sataa, sataa kaatamalla. Jack ja Jill. Jaakobin tikapuut. Joshua. Asenna Battle Of Jericho. Laiska Mary, Will You Get Up. Pikku Bo-Peep. Little Boy Blue. Pikku David pelaamaan jo Harppu. Pikku Jack Horner. Little Miss Muffet. London Bridge. Man On The Flying Trapeze. Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. Mulberry Bush. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Kaura, herneet, pavut ja ohran Grow. Ohhoh. Mikä voi Matter Be. Oi. Susanna. Voi Jos Oh minne Onko My Little Dog Gone. Old Dan Tucker. Old Gray Mare. Old Joe Clark. Old King Cole. Päälle Old Smoky. Pay Me My Money Down. Peanut istui Railroad Track. Herne Puuro Hot. Peter, Peter, Kurpitsa Eater. Polly Put kiehumaan. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pop Goes Lumikko. Reuben Raakel. Rig-A-Jig Jig. Ring Around Rosie. Rock-A-Bye, Baby. Rock-A-My Soul. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Purjehdus, Purjehdus. Hän oli Yellow Ribbon. Hän tulee Comin '' Round Mountain. Shoo Fly, älä häiritse minua. Sing Song Of Sixpence. Sourwood Mountain. Ten Little Indians. Siellä on reikä pohjassa Of The Sea. Three Blind Mice. Siellä oli vanha nainen, joka asui Shoe. Kun Saints Go Marching In. Gospel Train. Yankee Doodle. GIT Pitkin, Pikku Dogies. Olet Grand Old Flag. Zum Gali Gali. Entinen edustusurheilija. Paw Paw Patch. Dry Bones. Miten Dry I Am. Three Little Kittens. Voi kuinka ihanaa on Ilta. Kolme pientä porsasta. Jos O Missä on rakas pikku Susie. Tailor ja hiiri. Mister Rabbit. Leatherwing Bat. Hei Lolly, Lolly. Down In My Heart. Bye, Baby Bunting. Tehkää niin kuin minä teen. Monkey Song. Muffin Man. Old Hen Cackled. Roll Over. Run, lapset, Run. Shake That Pikku Jalka. Oli mies ja hän oli Mad. Tom, Tom, Piper Poika. On Hole In The Bucket. Bingo. Do Your Ears Hang Low. Joen yli ja metsän läpi. Siirry My Lou. Mary Had A Little Lamb. John Jacob Schmidt Jingleheimer. Take Me Out To pallo peli. Tuiki, tuiki tähtönen.Hiljattain tehdyt kyselyt