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Modern Masterworks, Book 2. Piano Solo sheet music. Advanced.


Modern Masterworks, Book 2. Piano Solo nuotteja. Kehittynyt.


Modern Masterworks, Book 2 edited by Jane Magrath. For Piano. Graded Standard Repertoire. Masterworks. Piano Collection. Modern Masterworks. Masterwork. Early Advanced. Late Intermediate. Book. 32 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.18752. ISBN 0739016148. Masterwork. These books present captivating 20th-century works that are fresh, upbeat and sure to motivate. Composers represented include Poulenc, Martinu, Cassella, Satie, Debussy, Bortkiewich and others. Designed for the intermediate through early-advanced student and useful for competitions and recitals. Valse. Prelude. Puppet Show. The Sleigh Drive. Op. 21, No. 2. Columbine Sings. Folk Dance. La Fille aux cheveux de lin. A Game of Tag. Album Leaf. Columbine Dances.


Modern Masterworks, Book 2 muokannut Jane Magrath. Pianolle. Lajitellut vakio-ohjelmistoon. Masterworks. Piano Collection. Modern Masterworks. Mestariteos. Early Advanced. Late Intermediate. Kirja. 32 sivua. Julkaistu Alfred Music. AP.18752. ISBN 0739016148. Mestariteos. Nämä kirjat esillä kiehtova 20-luvun teoksia, jotka ovat tuoreita, toiveikas ja varma motivoida. Säveltäjät edustivat muun muassa Poulenc, Martinu, Cassella, Satie, Debussy, Bortkiewich ym.. Suunniteltu väli varhaisen kehittyneiden opiskelija ja hyödyllisiä kilpailuja ja johdanto. Valse. Alkusoitto. Nukketeatteri. Sleigh Drive. Op. 21, nro 2. Columbine Sings. Kansantanhu. Tyttö pellavatukka. Game of Tag. Album Leaf. Columbine tanssit.