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Best of Spirituals & Gospels. Various. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music.
Best of Spirituals. Eri. Voice nuotteja. Kitara nuotit. Piano nuotteja.
Best of Spirituals & Gospels. 59 Great Songs in Easy Arrangements. Composed by Various. Arranged by H. Luedeman. For Guitar, Piano, Voice. Schott. 112 pages. Schott Music #ED9451. Published by Schott Music. HL.49008419. ISBN 3795757541. 9x12 inches. An anthology of some of the most beautiful and most popular tunes in this genre in new and fresh arrangements, all with easy piano accompaniment. The separate voice part contains an optional part for a second voice. For guitarists there is fingering notation as well as chord symbols. Amazing Grace. Amen. And I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray. Come And Go With Me. Deep River. Didn't It Rain. Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel. Down By The Riverside. Dry Bones. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Gimme That Old Time Religion. Glory, Hallelujah. Go Down, Moses. Go, Tell It On The Mountains. God Told Hezekiah. Good News. The Chariot's Comin'. Hallelu', Hallelu'. Have You Got Good Religion. Heaven. Heaven Is So High. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. I Am Weak, But Thou Art Strong. If I Could I Surely Would. If You Want Joy. I'll Fly Away. I'm Gonna Sing. It Is Me. Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Kum ba yah. Let Me Fly. Listen To The Lambs. Lord, I Want To Be A Christian. Mary And Martha. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. More And More. My Lord, What A Morning. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Oh Freedom. Oh, By And By. Oh, Father Abraham. Oh, Happy Day. Oh, My Soul, My Soul. Oh, Sinner Man. Oh, The Foxes Have Holes In The Ground. Oh, When The Saints. Oh, Won't You Sit Down. Oh, You Got Jesus. Over In The Gloryland. Rise And Shine. Rock My Soul. Roll, Jordan, Roll. Singin' With A Sword In My Hand. Somebody's Knockin' At Your Door. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child. Steal Away. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. The Angel Rolled The Stone Away. This Train Is Bound For Glory. Wade In The Water.
Best of Spirituals. 59 hyviä biisejä Easy-asetelmat. Säveltänyt Various. Tapahtuman järjestäjä H. Luedeman. Guitar, Piano, Voice. Schott. 112 sivua. Schott Music. Julkaisemat Schott Music. HL.49008419. ISBN 3795757541. 9x12 tuumaa. Antologia joitakin kauneimmista ja suosituimmista sävelet tässä genressä on uutta ja tuoretta järjestelyt, joissa kaikissa on helppo pianon säestyksellä. Erillinen ääni osa on valinnainen osa toista ääni. Kitaristeja on sormitus notaatio sekä sointumerkeistä. Amazing Grace. Aamen. Ja en kuullut Nobody Pray. Tulevat ja menevät With Me. Deep River. Eikö It Rain. Eikö Minun Herrani Toimita Daniel. Down By The Riverside. Dry Bones. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Gimme That Old Time Religion. Glory, Hallelujah. Siirry alas, Moses. Go, Tell It On The Mountains. Jumala kertoi Hiskia. Good News. Chariot Comin '. Hallelu ", Hallelu". Onko sinulla hyvä Uskonto. Taivas. Heaven Is So High. Hänellä on koko maailma käsissään. Olen heikko, sinä olet kuitenkin vahva. Jos voisin, varmasti olisi. If You Want Joy. Minä Fly Away. Aion Sing. Se olen minä. Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Kum ba yah. Let Me Fly. Listen To Lambs. Lord, I Want To Be Christian. Maria ja Martta. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. Yhä enemmän. Herrani, mitä Morning. Nobody Knows The Trouble olen nähnyt. Oh Freedom. Ai, ja. Voi, isä Abraham. Oh, Happy Day. Oh, My Soul, My Soul. Voi, Sinner Man. Voi, ketuilla ovat luolat In Ground. Voi, kun Saints. Voi, Ei istut alas. Voi, You Got Jeesus. Yli In Gloryland. Rise And Shine. Rock My Soul. Roll, Jordania, Roll. Singin 'With Sword In My Hand. Joku Knockin 'At Your Door. Joskus tuntuu Motherless Child. Steal Away. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. Angel vieritti kiven pois. Tämä juna on Bound For Glory. Wade In The Water.
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