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Led Zeppelin -- Houses of the Holy Platinum Guitar. Led Zeppelin. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.Käännös
Led Zeppelin - Houses of Holy Platinum Guitar. Led Zeppelin. Electric Guitar nuotit. Guitar Tablature nuotteja.Alkuperäinen
Led Zeppelin -- Houses of the Holy Platinum Guitar. Authentic Guitar TAB. By Led Zeppelin. For Guitar. This edition. Authentic Guitar TAB. Artist. Personality. Authentic Guitar TAB. Book. Guitar Personality. Guitar TAB. Alfred's Platinum Album Editions. Rock. 92 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.32443. ISBN 0739059599. Rock. Alfred Music, in association with Led Zeppelin, is proud to present new Platinum Album Edition songbooks for each of the bandâs classic studio recordings. Drawn from more than 30 years of documentation, interviews, and recorded footage, these all-new transcriptions deliver unprecedented accuracy and insight into the guitar style of Jimmy Page. With vintage Zeppelin photographs and a historical foreword by Guitar World magazineâs editor-in-chief, Brad Tolinski, each volume is a true collectible every fan must own. Titles. The Song Remains the Same. The Rain Song. Over the Hills and Far Away. The Crunge. Dancing Days. D'Yer Mak'er. No Quarter. The Ocean. The Crunge. THE RAIN SONG. No Quarter. Dancing Days. The Song Remains the Same. D'yer Mak'er. The Ocean. Over The Hills And Far Away.Käännös
Led Zeppelin - Houses of Holy Platinum Guitar. Authentic Guitar Tab. Led Zeppelin. Kitaralle. Tämä painos. Authentic Guitar Tab. Taiteilija. Persoonallisuus. Authentic Guitar Tab. Kirja. Guitar Personality. Guitar Tab. Alfredin Platinum Album erät. Rock. 92 sivua. Julkaistu Alfred Music. AP.32443. ISBN 0739059599. Rock. Alfred Music, yhdessä Led Zeppelin, esittelee ylpeänä uuden Platinum Album Edition Nuottikirjat kunkin Bandas klassinen studiolevyä. Peräisin yli 30 vuotta asiakirjojen, haastattelujen ja äänitti materiaalia, nämä kaikki uudet transcriptions tuottaa ennennäkemättömän tarkasti ja tietoa kitara tyyli Jimmy Page. Vintage Zeppelin valokuvia ja historiallisia esipuhe Guitar World magazineâs editor-in-chief, Brad Tolinski, jokainen volyymi on tosi kyinen jokainen fani on omistettava. Otsikot. Song Remains the Same. Rain Song. Yli Hills ja Far Away. Crunge. Dancing Days. D'Yer Mak'er. No Quarter. Ocean. Crunge. Rain kappaleen. No Quarter. Dancing Days. Song Remains the Same. D'yer Mak'er. Ocean. Over The Hills And Far Away.Hiljattain tehdyt kyselyt