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A Night with Janis Joplin. Janis Joplin. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Night Janis Joplin. Janis Joplin. Piano, laulu, kitara nuotteja. Voice nuotteja. Kitara nuotit.


A Night with Janis Joplin. Vocal Selections. By Janis Joplin. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Vocal Selections. Softcover. 114 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.124376. ISBN 1480368555. 9x12 inches. Janis Joplin burst onto the music scene in 1967 and, with her distinct and emotional voice, became the queen of rock and roll. This musical journey celebrates Janis and her influences – legends like Etta James, Nina Simone, and Aretha Franklin. Our vocal selections from the Tony Award-nominated musical include 18 songs. Ball and Chain. Cry Baby. Down on Me. I'm Gonna Rock My Way to Heaven. Kozmic Blues. I Shall Be Released. Little Girl Blue. Maybe. Me and Bobby McGee. Mercedes Benz. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out. Piece of My Heart. Spirit in the Dark. Stay with Me. Summertime. Tell Mama. Today I Sing the Blues. Try. Just a Little Bit Harder. Turtle Blues. Stay With Me. Ball And Chain. Down On Me. Turtle Blues. Maybe. Summertime. Tell Mama. Piece of My Heart. Cry Baby. Spirit in the Dark. I'm Gonna Rock My Way To Heaven. Today I Sing The Blues. Kozmic Blues. Little Girl Blue. Me And Bobby McGee. Mercedes Benz. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out. Try. Just a Little Bit Harder. I Shall Be Released.


Night Janis Joplin. Vocal valinnat. Janis Joplin. Pianolle. Laulu. Kitara. Vocal valinnat. Softcover. 114 sivua. Kustantaja Hal Leonard. HL.124376. ISBN 1480368555. 9x12 tuumaa. Janis Joplin rynnisti musiikkielämä 1967 ja hänen erillinen ja emotionaalinen ääni, tuli kuningatar rock and roll. Tämä musiikillinen matka juhlii Janis ja hänen vaikutteita - legendoja, kuten Etta James, Nina Simone, ja Aretha Franklin. Meidän laulu valinnat Tony Award-ehdokkuuden musikaali sisältää 18 kappaletta. Pallo ja ketju. Cry Baby. Down on Me. Olen Gonna Rock My Way to Heaven. Kozmic Blues. I Shall Be Released. Little Girl Blue. Ehkä. Minä ja Bobby McGee. Mercedes Benz. Nobody Knows You Kun olet alas ja ulos. Piece of My Heart. Spirit in the Dark. Pysy luonani. Summertime. Kerro Mama. Tänään Sing the Blues. Yrittää. Vain vähän enemmän. Turtle Blues. Stay With Me. Pallo ja ketju. Down On Me. Turtle Blues. Ehkä. Summertime. Kerro Mama. Piece of My Heart. Cry Baby. Spirit in the Dark. Olen Gonna Rock My Way To Heaven. Tänään Sing The Blues. Kozmic Blues. Little Girl Blue. Me And Bobby McGee. Mercedes Benz. Nobody Knows You Kun olet alas ja ulos. Yrittää. Vain vähän enemmän. I Shall Be Released.