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Singles Collection - The London Years. The Rolling Stones. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.


Singles Collection - Lontoo Years. Rolling Stones. Voice nuotteja. Electric Guitar nuotit. Guitar Tablature nuotteja. Väli-.


Singles Collection - The London Years. Guitar. TAB. Vocal. By The Rolling Stones. For guitar and voice. This edition. Guitar. TAB. Vocal. Artist. Personality. Guitar Personality. Guitar TAB. GTE. Rock and Classic Rock. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams and guitar tab glossary. 334 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.P0870GTX. ISBN 0898987393. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams and guitar tab glossary. Rock and Classic Rock. 9x12 inches. This album-matching folio features transcriptions, complete with tab, to 58 of The Stones' greatest early hits. Includes. Jumpin' Jack Flash. Honky Tonk Women. Wild Horses. Brown Sugar. Sympathy for the Devil and more -- over 300 pages of music. Paint It Black. Dandelion. Satisfaction I Can't Get No. Sad Day. Lady Jane. The Last Time. The Lantern. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby. Street Fighting Man. Stupid Girl. Stoned. I Don't Know Why I Love You. Get Off Of My Cloud. Tell Me. Memo From Turner. We Love You. Let's Spend the Night Together. Off the Hook. Heart of Stone. Child of the Moon. Jiving Sister Fanny. 19th Nervous Breakdown. Singer Not The Song. Wild Horses. Time is on My Side. Little By Little. Little Red Rooster. I Just Want To Make Love To You. Play With Fire. I'm Free. Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man. In Another Land. No Expections. Not Fade Away. Mother's Little Helper. Good Times, Bad Times. Gotta Get Away. Honky Tonk Women. Come On. Congratulations. Spider And The Fly. You Can't Always Get What You Want. Long, Long While. Try A Little Harder. Brown Sugar. As Tears Go By. It's All Over Now. Out Ot Time. Ruby Tuesday. Jumpin' Jack Flash. Surprise, Surprise. Who's Driving Your Plane. What a Shame. 2000 Light Years from Home. I Wanna Be Your Man. I Want To Be Loved. Sympathy for the Devil. She's a Rainbow.


Singles Collection - Lontoo Years. Kitara. TAB. Laulu. The Rolling Stones. Kitara ja ääni. Tämä painos. Kitara. TAB. Laulu. Taiteilija. Persoonallisuus. Guitar Personality. Guitar Tab. GTE. Rock-ja Classic Rock. Vaikeus. keskikokoinen. Guitar tabulatuuri laulukirja. Guitar tabulatuuri, normi-merkintää, laulu melodia, sanoitukset, sointujen, kitara sointu kaavioita ja Guitar Tab sanasto. 334 sivua. Julkaistu Alfred Music. AP.P0870GTX. ISBN 0898987393. Kitara tabulatuuri, vakiomerkintä, laulu melodia, sanoitukset, sointujen, kitara sointu kaavioita ja Guitar Tab sanasto. Rock-ja Classic Rock. 9x12 tuumaa. Tämä albumi-matching folio tarjolla transkriptiot, jossa on välilehti, jotta 58 Stones "suurin aikaisin hits. Sisältää. Jumpin 'Jack Flash. Honky Tonk Women. Wild Horses. Fariinisokeri. Sympathy for the Devil ja enemmän - yli 300 sivua musiikkia. Paint It Black. Voikukka. Tyytyväisyys En saa Ei. Sad Day. Lady Jane. Last Time. The Lantern. Oletko nähnyt Your Mother, Baby. Street Fighting Man. Stupid Girl. Pilvessä. En tiedä miksi Minä rakastan sinua. Get Off Of My Cloud. Tell Me. Muistio Turner. We Love You. Katsotaanpa Vietä Night Together. Off the Hook. Heart of Stone. Child of the Moon. Jiving Sisar Fanny. 19th Nervous Breakdown. Singer Not Song. Wild Horses. Aika on minun puolellani. Vähitellen. Little Red Rooster. I Just Want To Make Love To You. Play With Fire. Olen vapaa. Alle Assistant West Coast Promotion Man. In Another Land. Ei Expections. Not Fade Away. Äidin Pikku Helper. Good Times, Bad Times. Gotta Get Away. Honky Tonk Women. Älä viitsi. Onneksi olkoon. Spider And Fly. Et voi aina saada mitä haluat. Long, Long Vaikka. Kokeile hieman kovemmin. Fariinisokeri. Kuten Tears Go By. Se on All Over Now. Ot Time. Ruby Tuesday. Jumpin 'Jack Flash. Surprise, Surprise. Who's Driving Your Plane. What a Shame. 2000 Light Years from Home. I Wanna Be Your Man. I Want To Be Loved. Sympathy for the Devil. Hän on Rainbow.