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Spirituals. Guitar Solos and Songbook. Guitar Solo sheet music. Beginning.


Spirituals. Kitarasooloja ja Songbook. Guitar Solo nuotteja. Alku.


Spirituals. Guitar Solos and Songbook. Songs of Faith, Freedom, Hope & The Human Spirit. Composed by Dave Marshall. For Guitar. Finger. Perfect binding, Solos. Gospel-Black. Beginning-Intermediate. Book. CD Set. 142 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.99420BCD. ISBN 9780786663231. Gospel-Black. 8.5 x 11 inches. The Spirituals. Their Story, Their Song is both a collection of guitar solos and a songbook devoted to African-American spirituals. The music is placed in historical context to help the reader better appreciate and interpret this amazing musical legacy. The book provides solo guitar arrangements in standard notation and tablature plus a vocal stave with complete lyrics and chord diagrams for 60 songs of faith, freedom, hope and the human spirit. A companion CD includes the author's rendition of all of the guitar solos in the book. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the various meanings and messages of the spirituals, and traces the musical forms that grew out of them, namely blues, jazz, gospel, country, calypso, rhythm and blues, soul, and rock. This book is for all who play the guitar including. students, music teachers, parents, performing guitarists, vocalists and anyone with an interest in folk, gospel and sacred music. All My Trials. All Night Long. Amazing Grace. Amen. Balm in Gilead. Battle Hym of the Republic. Bound to Go. Bye And Bye. Come Out the Wilderness. Darling Nelly Gray. Deep River. Didn't It Rain. Do, Lord, Remember Me. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit. Ezekiel Saw The Wheel. Follow the Drinking Gourd. Go Down, Moses. Go Tell It On the Mountain. God's Going to Set the World On Fire. Goin' Home. HARD TRIALS. I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray. I've Been 'Buked. Kumbaya. Let Us Break Bread Together. Little David, Play On Your Harp. Little Wheel A-Turnin' in My Heart. Live a Humble. Look Down That Long, Lonesome Road. Lord, I'm Troublin'. Mary and Martha. Mary Wore Three Beads. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. My God Is So High. My Lord, What A Morning. Nobody Knows The Trouble I See. Now, Let Me Fly. Oh, Freedom. Oh, Sinner Man. Old Abe Lincoln. Peter, Go Ring Them Bells. Plenty Good Room. Poor Rosy. Rise Up, Shepherd. Rock-A My Soul. Roll, Jordan, Roll. Sit Down, Sister. Somebody's Calling My Name. Somebody's Knocking At Your Door. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. Steal Away. Swing Low Sweet Chariot Theme. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. That Lonesome Valley. The Battle Cry of Freedom. This Little Light of Mine. Wayfarin' Stranger. Were You There. When I Get Home. When the Bridgegroom Comes.


Spirituals. Kitarasooloja ja Songbook. Songs of Faith, Freedom, Hope. Säveltänyt Dave Marshall. Kitaralle. Sormi. Painoerä, Solos. Gospel-Musta. Alku-Intermediate. Kirja. CD Set. 142 sivua. Kustantaja Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.99420BCD. ISBN 9780786663231. Gospel-Musta. 8.5 x 11 tuumaa. Spirituals. Heidän tarinansa, heidän Song on sekä kokoelma kitarasooloja ja laulukirja omistettu Afrikkalainen Amerikan Spirituals. Musiikki on sijoitettu historialliseen kehykseen auttaa lukijaa paremmin arvostaa ja tulkita tämän hämmästyttävän musiikillinen perintö. Kirja tarjoaa kitarasooloa järjestelyt vakiomerkintä ja tablature sekä laulu vaippalaudan täydelliset sanoitukset ja sointu kaavioita 60 kappaletta uskon, vapaus, toivo ja ihmisen hengen. Seuralainen CD sisältää tekijän luovuttamista kaikki kitarasooloja kirjan. Kirja tarjoaa perusteellisen analyysin eri merkityksiä ja viestejä spirituals, ja jälkiä musiikillisten muotojen, joka kasvoi ulos niistä, eli blues, jazz, gospel, maa, calypso, rhythm and blues, soul ja rock-. Tämä kirja on tarkoitettu kaikille, jotka soittaa kitaraa lukien. opiskelijoita, musiikki opettajat, vanhemmat, esittävien kitaristeja, laulajia ja kuka tahansa kiinnostunut folk, gospel ja hengellinen musiikki. All My Trials. Koko yön. Amazing Grace. Aamen. Balsamia Gilead. Battle Hym tasavallan. Bound to Go. Bye And Bye. Come Out Wilderness. Darling Nelly Gray. Deep River. Eikö It Rain. Älä, Herra, muista minua. Ev'ry Time I Feel Hengen. Ezekiel Saw Wheel. Seuraa Drinking Kurpitsa. Siirry alas, Moses. Go Tell It On Mountain. Jumalan Menossa tehdä jotain ihmeellistä. Goin 'Home. HARD TRIALS. En kuullut Nobody Pray. Olen ollut "Buked. Kumbaya. Let Us murtamaan leipää yhdessä. Pikku David, pelata omalta Harppu. Pientä pyörää-Turnin 'in My Heart. Elää Humble. Look Down Long, Lonesome Road. Herra, olen Troublin ". Maria ja Martta. Mary Wore Kolme Helmet. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. My God Is So High. Herrani, mitä Morning. Nobody Knows The Trouble I See. Nyt, Let Me Fly. Oh, Freedom. Voi, Sinner Man. Vanha Abe Lincoln. Peter, Go Ring Them Bells. Plenty Good Room. Huono Rosy. Rise Up, Shepherd. Rock-My Soul. Roll, Jordania, Roll. Sit Down, Sister. Joku soittaa My Name. Joku koputtaa Your Door. Joskus tuntuu Motherless Lapsi. Steal Away. Swing Low Makea Chariot Teema. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. Että Lonesome Valley. Battle Cry Freedom. Tämä pieni Light of Mine. Wayfarin "Stranger. Were You There. Kun pääsen kotiin. Kun Bridgegroom tulee.