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A sea filled with music. Mikis Theodorakis. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.


Meri täynnä musiikkia. Mikis Theodorakis. Voice Solo nuotteja. Pianon säestyksellä nuotteja.


A sea filled with music. Cycle of songs. Composed by Mikis Theodorakis. 1925-. For voice and piano. This edition. paperback. Text Language. Greek - French - English. Composed 1987. 104 pages. Duration 49 minutes. Published by Edition Romanos. M7.ER-35. ISBN 978-960-290-364-3. With Text Language. Greek - French - English. En cet instant. At this moment. Encet instant. At this moment. Voyage a l'infini. Voyage to infinity. Que je renaisse. Till I was born again. Profondement ma dastinee. Deep in my fate. Une fenetre ouverte. From the open window. Et je t'aime. And I love you. Echo de mort. Echo of death. Tant que dure la mer. As long as the sea lasts. Les vagues de tes cheveux. Your wavy hair. Le cycle de l'eau. The cycle of water. Couleurs nocturnes. Night colors. Ton visage. Your face. Une mer. A sea. Diotima-Parce que tu es le vent. Diotima-Because you are the wind. Expression. Reve d'Automne. Autumn dream. Sur la route du soleil. In the steps of the sun. Sans reciprocite. Without reciprocation. Viens en secret. Come secretly. Ermoupolis.


Meri täynnä musiikkia. Cycle kappaleita. Säveltänyt Mikis Theodorakis. 1925 -. Lauluäänelle ja pianolle. Tämä painos. pokkari. Tekstin kieli. Greek - Ranska - Englanti. Kokoonpanossa 1987. 104 sivua. Kesto 49 minuuttia. Julkaisemat Edition Romanos. M7.ER-35. ISBN 978-960-290-364-3. Tekstin kieli. Greek - Ranska - Englanti. En cet instant. Tällä hetkellä. Encet instant. Tällä hetkellä. Voyage a l'infini. Voyage to infinity. Que je renaisse. Till I was born again. Profondement ma dastinee. Deep in my fate. Une fenetre ouverte. From the open window. Et je t'aime. And I love you. Echo de mort. Echo of death. Tant que dure la mer. As long as the sea lasts. Les vagues de tes cheveux. Your wavy hair. Le cycle de l'eau. The cycle of water. Couleurs nocturnes. Night colors. Ton visage. Kasvosi. Une mer. A sea. Diotima-Parce que tu es le vent. Diotima-Because you are the wind. Lauseke. Reve d'Automne. Autumn dream. Sur la route du soleil. In the steps of the sun. Sans reciprocite. Without reciprocation. Viens en secret. Come secretly. Ermoupolis.