
Sanoja: Butthole Surfers. Weird Revolution. The Weird Revolution.

On behalf of Dr. Timothy Leary
In association with the legions of illuminated social rejects
And as an influential administrator and creator of musical chaos
In these so called, ?United States?

I stand as a messenger of strangeness this evening
In order to impress upon or at least to instruct
The honorable musicians as to the methods and motives
Of the truly bizarre reality, "The weird revolution"

Thomas Jefferson, confounder and president
Of this normally corrupt nation said
?If God is truly just, I tremble for the fate of my country?
Secondly, there are some dynamics at play
Which I must familiarize you with

The so-called weirdos in this country
Stand as completely freaked out by the normal man
As the normal man is completely freaked out
By the weird masses reaction to him

Which came first, you may ask
Chicken or egg, you may ask
Well, the chicken of course
And it?s time to break this weird-ass chain

The weird masses don?t want to be normalized
Weirdos want to be abnormal
The freaks can?t be formally normalized
Nor can we normally formalized

What we want is complete weirdification
Basically, we don?t want weirdness from the normal man
We don?t want to be freaked out by the normal man
We want to out freak the normal man

The normal man entices and prostitutes
And performs surgery on our weird women
Yes, even your brother could be a victim of his plastic fantasies
And if you weird out his daughter he?ll plast your ass

What?s good for the goose is good for the gander
Are you freaking with me?
What is good for the goose is good for the gander
So you can pluck out his feathers and smile

Because you are defending our weird women
From the freaky-ass thoughts of the bug-eyed
Bow-legged normal man