
Sanoja: Dalek. Absence. Asylum.

Adverse effect affect the 10that might listen
Welcome to the 21st neo-inquisition
Bite your tongue hold you thoughts close to vest
Better yet look for stars that they stitch reading "projects"
Ironic, we never see ourselves as next prey
What, now we equals cause we have a King's holiday?
Coming storm here to stay
They turned the noon sky heron gray
Africans into slaves
Say we free
But if we speak like Malcolm X then they assassinate
Fate of men on corporate memos
Halos reserved for those who keep status quo
Carry big stick but speak in low tones.

Truth festers under scab of lies
We the permanent underclass don't act surprised.

Denied access to true wealth
We may have felt the death blow
Again they stole our vocal chords and sold them to the devil
We use to raise our fists now our leadership just settles
Eyes off the ghettos
Keep watching those space shuttles
In midst of this madness it's madmen that win
Even when we vote the opposite it all reverts to Reagan
Silly Christian pagans
Still clutching myths dated back to ancient Babylon
That might unravel dawn
Misconstrued world view used to assault the misinformed kings
That move and act like pawns
Artist's conform and play minstrel
Police State treats our young as criminals
Why pray to Roman death symbols?

Truth festers under scab of lies
We the permanent underclass don't act surprised.

Inner City streets still reek of our inner turmoil
Killing melanined equates to X amount of oil
They're telling tall tales to keep our eyes on foreign soil
Hearing truth from poor lips makes their blue blood boil
Play foil to false patriots
Remind youth of '67's race riots
When they learned to keep us quiet
Consumers consuming
Products we are now neither making or using
It only gets more confusing
30of armed troops minorities
Casualties directly impact Black and Latin families
If freedom is what we are fighting for, they why'd they swindle Gore?
Imprison most our men and never really outlaw lynching?
The rich get tax breaks, so they are stealing from the pensions of the poor
Who were lured to this land by ideas of better lives
Or tightly packed onto slaveships who's origin historians forever rewrite
Only goal to incite a mental riot
Defiant of airwaves designed to Tailor how I act
I drop the fists and guns and use this tongue to combat.