Sanoja: Dispute. Everyone, Everything. Flatlined.
Placed between the sink and the seat, the old man had met life's defeat. I remember the smell. I remember the hell. I remember it all too well. It was a slip, it was a fall, and it was the final curtain call. In fact it wasn't the way to go at all. We know who and how, but we never know why. So he laid on his side right next to his pride. I'll never forget the day he died. It was my first encounter and my third experience. It was years ago but I haven't forgotten it since. I remember the smell. I remember the hell. I remember it all too well. It was a slip, it was a fall, and it was the final curtain call. In fact it wasn't the way to go at all. We know who and how, but we never know why. And he left in a blink of an eye
Everyone, Everything