
Sanoja: Laruku. Heart. Promised Land.

words= haido music= ken
rom = Lorraine
[hana ga saiteiru yo iro toridori no hana ga]
yume miru nara douzo ki ga tookunaru kara
[ame o furasemashou nannichi mo tayzsazu ni]
demo anata mo douse iku toki to issho sa
("flowers are blooming, flowers of various colors are..."
if you dream, by all means do so, because you're going to lose consciousness
"let's make the rain fall down, rain that will never come to an end"
but anyway, even you will die along with time)

ueta ookamitachi ga ai o kizou suru
[saa watashi o shinjitekudasai]
(the hungry wolves fabricating love
"so come on, believe in me")

tomaranai honoo wa susumu
ososugita mezame no ato wa [sayonara] sa
(the unstopping flame is advancing
after the moment of waking up to late, it's time to say "so long")

[ai o sodatemashou] nante fushigi na kotoba de
mou torikaesenai sou mirai nanka nai
kakuu no ohanashi wa sou suteki na genjitsu
ima sorenara sugu ni saa kasei ni yukou
("let's all bring up some love" how wonderful those words are
it can't be undone anymore, so there's no future
the fictitious story is, yes, a wonderful reality
now in that case, immediately, come on, let's go to Mars)

oshierareta rekishi arasoi no pro-firu
[saa kiseki o shinjitekudasai]
(taught history is the profile of conflict
"so come on now, believe in the miracle")

negai wa yakitsukusarete
owaranai gareki no sekai de dare ni sasagu?
(prayers are being consumed by fire
in the never ending world of rubble, who do you devote yourself to?)Devil's walk
in the strawberry fields
shiboritate no namida o douzo meshiagare
[aisubeki mono yo!]
(go ahead, please help yourself to these freshly squeezed tears
"I'm loveable!")

aa dare mo inai yozora ni mukatte
anata o sukueru no?
(ah, going towards the night sky where there's no one else
will you be rescued?)

Devil's walk in the strawberry fields
Devil's walk in the strawberry fields

tomaranai honoo wa susumu
ososugita mezame no ato wa [sayonara] sa
(the unstopping flame is advancing
after the moment of waking up to late, it's time to say "so long")
Devil's walk in the strawberry fields
shiboritate no namida o douzo meshiagare
[mitsu no aji ga suru kai?]
(go ahead, please help yourself to these freshly squeezed tears
"tastes just like honey, doesn't it?")