
Sanoja: One-21. Morality.

Let's be a part of the moral fashion show,
we look so good we're strong enough to overcome any opposition
knock us down we'll get back up
but keep all your weaknessess a secret don't let us see them if you can
If you fail then you're an outcast you don't get a second chance.
Straight as an arrow, but headed straight for Hell
workin' so hard to improve yourself
what does it profit you if you set your goals to gain the whole world
but lose your soul.
Never shoot up never drink a drop
well I'd hate to be there when your bubble's popped righteous acts
like filthy rags wicked hearts to blood stained hands well
I struggle with it too I want to earn my own way
but there's nothing I can do I am saved in Jesus' name
Maybe we can fool everybody they'll bever know that we're not perfect.
Maybe we can fool ourselves is we're good then we can make it.
Well can you live a perfect life

how will you know what's right and wrong
how can you cry "Morality" if you don't know the god who wrote the law?
Not saved by words so that no man can boast
Christ paid the price with his life on the cross.
No man earns his way give your life to Christ today.
Morality without Christ eventually ha its price.
How good do I have to be to be good enough?
No man is good not even one.