
Sanoja: Pogues, The. Sitting On Top Of The World.

Well it's been a long day but I don't like to moan

It's the middle of summer and I'm chilled to the bone

There's holes in my shoes where the rain comes in

I'm sitting on top of the world

Walking in the shadows of empty office blocks

I was talking to a stranger and he's on the rocks

Down on the pavement living in a box

I'm sitting on top of the world

Oh no can't anybody see

It's been a bad day and I want a little peace

Oh no won't you please help me

I want to lie down but there's no beds free

Down on the corner there's starry eyed preachers

Rattling cans and pimping Jesus

There's madmen on boxes makig speeches

I'm sitting on top of the world

You can't sit in the sunshine or go out after dark

There's dogs on the loose acting like sharks

There's psychos on the streets burning winos in the park

I'm sitting on top of the world

Oh no I wish I was gone

I want to get going before too long

Oh no I want to leave town

But I can't drive my car 'cause they put it in the pound

The masters of industry are killing for oil

There's poison in the air the water and the soil

We're all turning mutant they're counting up their spoils

I'm sitting on top of the world

I turn on the TV and it makes me want to cry

There's killing and there's torture there's destruction and there's lies

And our leaders talk rubbish and more people die

I'm sitting on top of the world

Oh no I can't take anymore

I'm shaking all over and my nerves are all raw

Oh no my head's a little sore

I want to get out but I can't find the door