
Sanoja: Sesame Street. The Big Wolf Family.

(Wolf in leather jacket dances in)

Big Bad Wolf: My mom is glad

Big Glad Wolf (Mom): (top left, in a white dress) I'm the big glad wolf - glad!

Big Bad Wolf: My sister's sad

Big Sad Wolf (Sister): (top middle, in a green outfit) I'm the big sad wolf - sad!

Big Bad Wolf: My brother's rad

Big Rad Wolf (Brother): (top right, with shades and a surfboard) I'm the big rad wolf - rad!

Big Bad Wolf: I'm bad
The big bad wolf, that's me
We're a big wolf family
My aunt's a grad

Big Grad Wolf (Aunt): (bottom left, in gown and mortarboard) I'm the big grad wolf - grad!

Big Bad Wolf: My uncle's mad

Big Mad Wolf (Uncle): (bottom middle, in red shirt) I'm the big mad wolf - mad!

Big Bad Wolf: My dad's well clad

Well Clad Wolf (Dad): (bottom right, in a suit) I'm the well clad wolf - clad

Big Bad Wolf: I'm bad
The big bad wolf, that's me

We're a big wolf family

Big Glad Wolf (Mom): I'm gl-ad, glad!

Big Sad Wolf (Sister): I'm s-ad, sad!

All: We're the big wolf family!

Big Rad Wolf (Brother): I'm r-ad, rad!

Big Grad Wolf (Aunt): A gr-ad, grad!

All: We're the big wolf family!

Big Mad Wolf (Uncle): I'm m-ad, mad!

Well Clad Wolf (Dad): Well cl-ad, clad!

All: We're the big wolf family!

Big Bad Wolf: Got two more sounds
Put together right now
B-ad, bad, that's me
Bad Wolf!

All: Yeah!