Brandenburg Concerto No.4 in G major, BWV 1049 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)





For Orchestra

Performer Pages Gardner Chamber Orchestra (orchestra)
Publisher Info. Boston: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
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Performer Pages Kurt Redel (conductor)
Publisher Info. Erato LDE 3229/3230, 1962.
Performers Kammerorchester Pro Arte
Misc. Notes Source BnF AB 62-23 - 2 Disques microsillon 33 t, 30 cm, mono

Enregistrements sonores BnF Collection

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TN-PMLP82081-(4) LDE 3230 - Concerto brandebourgeois n° 4, BWV 1049 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-5738.jpg
Performer Pages Philomusica of London (orchestra)
Boyd Neel (conductor)
Publisher Info. London: Musical Masterpiece Society (Philips), 1955.
Performers Geoffrey Gilbert, Phillip Goody (flutes), Emanuel Hurwitz (violin)
Reissue Schattdorf: Gagnaux Collection
Misc. Notes Recorded ca. 1955
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TN-PMLP82081-Bach BWV 1049 BoydNeelOrch Neel Boyd MMS 2098-4987.jpg
Performer Pages Philomusica of London (orchestra)
Boyd Neel (conductor)
Publisher Info. London: Decca, No.1616-17, 1946. K Series, 12-in.
Performers Arthur Gleghorn (flute), Gareth Morris (flute)
Frederick Grincke (violin)
Reissue Schattdorf: Gagnaux Collection
Misc. Notes Recorded June 18, 1945. Portrait on the right: Boyd Neel, stamp «MAY 11 1955», «Boyd Neel, conductor of the Hart House Orchestra, featured during the four week inaugural Festival of Music at Stratford, July 9th - August 6th» 1955
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TN-PMLP82081-Bach BWV 1049 BoydNeelStringOrch Neel 18 06 1945 fichier Steward-7445.jpg
For Recorder Ensemble (Papalin)

Performer Pages Papalin (Recorders)
Publisher Info. Papalin
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Publisher Info. Michel Rondeau
Performers MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Publisher Info. Michel Rondeau
Performers MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Andante (No.2)

For 5 Recorders (Tennent)
Publisher Info. R.D. Tennent
Performers PhotoScore
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection. Transposed to G minor.
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Sheet Music

Full Scores

Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, 1721.
Misc. Notes Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (D-B), Amalien-Bibliothek: Am.B 78 (4)
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Editor Siegfried Wilhelm Dehn (1799–1858)
First edition
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.[1851]. Plate 3429.
Misc. Notes ca.600dpi grayscale images converted to black and white tif files, cropped and deskewed.
Editor Wilhelm Rust (1822–1892)
Publisher. Info. Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe, Band 19 (pp.83-124)
Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1871. Plate B.W. XIX.
Reprinted New York: Dover Publications, 1976. (#16313)
Editor Wilhelm Rust (1822–1892)
Publisher. Info. Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe, Band 19 (pp.83-124)
Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1871. Plate B.W. XIX.
Reprinted Boca Raton: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1987-2018). Catalog A1223.
Misc. Notes Kalmus re-paginated the BGA original.
Editor Kurt Soldan (1891–1946)
Publisher. Info. Sechs Brandenburgische Konzerte (pp.83-121)
Moscow: Muzgiz, 1960. Plate 27767.
Misc. Notes Possibly reprinted from the 1934 score issued by Peters.
Editor Heinrich Besseler (1900–1969)
Publisher. Info. Neue Bach-Ausgabe, Serie VII, Band 2 (pp.97-142)
Kassel: Bärenreiter Verlag, 1956. Plate BA (DVfM) 5005.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here. This edition was published by Bärenreiter in Germany over 25 years ago and is in the public domain in its country of origin.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland). In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
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Editor Heinrich Besseler (1900–1969)
Publisher. Info. Neue Bach-Ausgabe, Serie VII, Band 2 (pp.97-142)
Kassel: Bärenreiter Verlag, 1956. Plate BA 5005.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here. This edition was published by Bärenreiter in Germany over 25 years ago and is in the public domain in its country of origin.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland). In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Misc. Notes 600 dpi. Page size is 10.00 x 12.688 inches. This is a revised version from 1965.
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Editor Heinrich Besseler (1900–1969)
Translator Hans Ferdinand Redlich (1903–1968), English Translation (for Preface)
Publisher. Info. Neue Bach-Ausgabe, Serie VII, Band 2 (pp.I-III, 97-142)
Kassel: Bärenreiter Verlag, 1956. Plate BA (DVfM) 5005.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here. This edition was published by Bärenreiter in Germany over 25 years ago and is in the public domain in its country of origin.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland). In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Reprinted Boca Raton: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1988). Catalog A3207.
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Editor CCARH Team
Publisher. Info. Palo Alto: CCARH, 2004.
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Editor Helmut Kickton
Publisher. Info. Bad Kreuznach: Kreuznacher Diakonie Kantorei
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Editor Michel Rondeau
Publisher. Info. Michel Rondeau
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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7 more: Violin solo • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses • Continuo (Harpsichord)

Editor Wilhelm Rust (1822–1892)
Publisher. Info. Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe, Band 19
Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1871. Plate B.W. XIX.
Reprinted Boca Raton: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1987-2018). Catalog A1223.

7 more: Violin solo • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses • Continuo (Harpsichord)

Editor Heinrich Besseler (1900–1969)
August Wenzinger (1905–1996)
Eduard Müller (1912–1983), continuo
Publisher. Info. Neue Bach-Ausgabe, Serie VII, Band 2
Kassel: Bärenreiter Verlag, 1956. Plate BA 5111.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here. This edition was published by Bärenreiter in Germany over 25 years ago and is in the public domain in its country of origin.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland). In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Reprinted Boca Raton: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1988). Catalog A3207.
Misc. Notes These files are part of the Orchestra Parts Project.
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PDF typeset by editor
kompy (2009/5/29)

Editor Helmut Kickton
Publisher. Info. Bad Kreuznach: Kreuznacher Diakonie Kantorei
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10 more: Recorder 2 • Violin solo • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses • Continuo Harpsichord • Engraving files (Finale) • Engraving files (XML)

Editor Michel Rondeau
Publisher. Info. Michel Rondeau
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Editor First edition
Siegfried Wilhelm Dehn (1799–1858)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.[1851]. Plate 3430.
Misc. Notes ca.600dpi grayscale images converted to black and white tif files, cropped and deskewed. Continuo part missing.
Editor Wilhelm Rust (1822–1892)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d.(ca.1890). Plate Orch.-B. 4304.
Reprinted Wiesbaden, 1966, with fraudulent copyright claim
Publisher. Info. Joh.Seb.Bach Werke. Ausgabe für praktischen Gebrauch
Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d.(ca.1900). Plate J.S.B.Orch. 8*.
Reprinted Breitkopf & Härtels Orchester-Bibliothek (Nr. 2608a/b)
Misc. Notes ca.600dpi grayscale images converted to black and white tif files, cropped and deskewed. Parts include: Violino I di Ripieno (3 copies), Violino II di Ripieno, Basso di Ripieno, Flauto I Solo.
Editor Patricia González
Publisher. Info. Patricia González
Misc. Notes after Bach's autograph, 1721
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Arrangements and Transcriptions


For Harpsichord and Orchestra (Bach)
See: Harpsichord Concerto No.6 in F major, BWV 1057
For 2 Flutes and Strings (Magatagan)
Arranger Alexander Gagarinov (b. 1986)
Publisher. Info. Alexander Gagarinov, 2018.
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For 2 Pianos 6 Hands (Besseling)
Arranger Peter Besseling (b. 1953)
Publisher. Info. Peter Besseling, 2022.
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For Violin and Piano (Spiro)
For 2 Pianos (Krug)
Arranger Gustav Clemens Felix Krug (1844–1902)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d. Plate 12324.
For Piano 4 hands (Reger)
Arranger Max Reger (1873–1916)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, No.3108, n.d. Plate 9030.
For Piano (Stradal)
Arranger August Stradal (1860–1930)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: J. Schuberth, n.d.(ca.1910). Plate 7837.

Andante (No.2)

For 5 Recorders (Tennent)
Arranger R.D. Tennent
Publisher. Info. R.D. Tennent
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection. Transposed to G minor.
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For Piano (Sun)
Arranger Ruoshi Sun
Publisher. Info. Ruoshi Sun, 2023.
Recordings Piano performance by Ruoshi Sun (2023)
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Presto (No.3)

For 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Bassoons and 2 Horns (Clarke)

8 more: Oboe 1 • Oboe 2 • Clarinet 1 (B♭) • Clarinet 2 (B♭) • Bassoon 1 • Bassoon 2 (or Contrabassoon) • Horn 1 (F) • Horn 2 (F)

Arranger John Clarke
Publisher. Info. John Clarke
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General Information

Work Title Brandenburg Concerto No.4
Alternative. Title
Name Translations 4. Brandenburgisches Konzert; Concerto brandeburghese n. 4; Concert de Brandenburg núm. 4; concerto brandebourgeois n° 4; ブランデンブルク協奏曲 第4番; [2 more...]Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 4; Brandenburga Konĉerto n-ro 4
Name Aliases Concert núm. 4 sol major, BWV 1049; Concert núm. 4 en sol major; Concert núm. 4 en sol major, BWV 1049; BVW 1049; Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G Major, BWV 1049
Authorities WorldCat; VIAF: 184094361; LCCN: no97082366; GND: 300005407; BNF: 13909436d
Composer Bach, Johann Sebastian
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. BWV 1049
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IJB 46
Key G major
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 3 movements:
I. Allegro
II. Andante
III. Presto
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1719–20
First Publication. 1851 - Leipzig: C.F. Peters (ed. Dehn)
Average DurationAvg. Duration 16 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation 2 recorders, violin, strings (2 violins, viola, cello, violone), continuo
Manuscript Sources Bach Digital (source list)
External Links Wikipedia article (6 Brandenburg concertos)
Scores at Sheet Music Plus

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Concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach
The Six Brandenburg Concertos Harpsichord Concertos
Violin Concertos
Oboe Concertos Concertos for various instruments