Guitar tablature for "Cobwebs" by "Mindsnare"

Artist: Mindsnare
Piece: Cobwebs
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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Song: Cobwebs
Artist: Mindsnare
Album: Self Titled EP
Tuning: D# G# C# F# A# D#
Tabbed By: xAscaniusx

Gtr.1 (Riff.1)  Time: 0:00        x2
* W/ Tremelo effect

Gtr.1 (Riff.2)  Time: 0:18				    
         PM.      PM.........        PM.		        

Gtr.1 (Riff.2 Cont...)		            		                x2
         PM.  			                   PM.

Gtr.1 (Riff.3)  Time: 0:50

Gtr.1 (Fill.1)  Time: 1:06


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