billion stars below me lay, circle slowly JFK, so much there to see inside of a week they came looking for something new try to press it flat inside
Käännös: 10000 Maniacs. Maan Puristettu Flat.
: This was once a city harmony a common theme but these complications now make life a bit uneasy hallowed buildings scrape the sky voices ride the
: Eager to please was just the way that he was though his attempts there falling short, expectation see he would tell of all his conquests, was he
caught in between heaven then earth then heaven between you release me untangle my hair Absalom hanging like you I?m caught in between heaven then earth
: Shards of glass cut through my gaze broken streamers hanging at my legs drunk and giddy full of fate at the cabaret smokey stares from the bar do
: The song was written by folk singer and composer Mimi Farina (Joan Baez sister) and dedicated to Janis Joplin. The lyrics may differ a little from
: I saw time turn so much there to unlearn, you were envy you wouldn?t say you tore heart strings that sorry day dark light hid the tears one for each
: In the coolness of the morning sparing moments here in magical tide I would meet you without question to share a starry gaze a look through the sky
: Out through the foggy window there just to see the eyes of my future children looking back at me back through the foggy window on and on miles pass
: I see the leaves of autumn changing, falling , turning what was green I see a door standing open, open to curiosity we could be together tear
: Across the evening sky, all the birds are leaving But how can they know it's time for them to go? Before the winter fire, I will still be dreaming
: I was thinking today if you would remember you choose to remember what you left me out there in the cold days fading away I see you so near I
a billion stars below me lay, circle slowly JFK, so much there to see inside of a week they came looking for something new try to press it flat inside
: When the day ends and church bells are ringing when the valley is shroudedin snow, when you?re feeling that hope somewhere vanished and there?s
Shards of glass cut through my gaze broken streamers hanging at my legs drunk and giddy full of fate at the cabaret smokey stares from the bar do
Eager to please was just the way that he was though his attempts there falling short, expectation see he would tell of all his conquests, was he bragging