Angel, Angel, Angel I see no teardrop in your eye Angel, Angel, Angel I hear a cry in Paradise The messenger came, he said: "Don't be afraid1" "
Timpul e scurt, e mult prea scurt, nu te poti pierde in amanunte infinite si marunte. timpul e scurt, e mult prea scurt, nu te adanci in vise, in
Respect people, respect god respect yourself cause the son is on the cross where's your real faith in god respect! respect! respect! jesus died
When I ask myself who am I When I've lost the meaning of my life When I wish I could stop the time I'm alone, I feel just like a clown! Oh, my God
I was filled up with anger wonderin' why i must be cracked so much dirt you pushed me in i cannot gettin' higher rise the shotgun, hand on the bomb
Jesus King Of Kings Lord Of Lords Jesus is Lord Jesus Hallelujah! Salvation And Glory And Honour And Power Belong the Lord Our God Amen!
Ce-ti doresc eu tie dulce Romania, Tara mea de glorie, tara viitor Sa ai parte de carte, sa iei potul cel mare "Sa moara dusmanii de suparare" Pe
Dead men're walking down the streets Theiy are buried into their sins!... There's tragedy in my society Hey, don't you see? This is reality Mind
Esti ucigasul deghizat, ai un zambet dezarmant, un cetatean respectat, cu un statut de invidiat. esti bogat, ca ai furat, te-ai realizat c-ai inselat
Last night by chance we shot the president it doesn't matter - we've got another one today we have a new and a fuckin' goverment now look! what have
Once upon a time there was a child he thought that he could fly oh, so high... but sometimes all of us make mistakes i really felt the pain right
M-am nascut, sunt si voi fi campion, niciodata nu am fost doar un simplu pion. adversarii ma provoaca, dar... nici o sansa, fiindca lupta-i castigata
Memories the present days The things that you never say Different days and different times Symbolic faith and criminal lies. Who's gonna live forever
That motherfuckin' business ain't no money, ain't no money no way out you can't trust in yourself you carry out wipe the cocaine out your eyes
M-am saturat pana peste cap, sa stau sa tac si sa inghit rahat ! maniac, obsedat, sunt un teren minat, cosmarul tau bizar reciclat. vin dupa tine
Recunosc orice fals, fiindca eu, eu detin originalul ! eroii sunt cei ce studiaza zilnic manualul. istoria e scrisa doar de invingatori, lansez o
Ridica-te ! fa-te auzit ! rezista - daca esti lovit ! ridica-te ! timpul tau a venit ! rezista - tu nu poti fi oprit ! refr: singur impotriva tuturor