years Their grief is confined Which destroys my mind An ode to their plight is this dirge Some yearn for lugubrious silence (It is the) serenity in
With loving passion, oh your radiance A serenade I cry Your silk lined coffin the lachrymatory To hold a mourner's tears Ethereal splendour Pale skin
And I often sigh I often wonder why I'm still here and I still cry And I often cry I often spill a tear Over those not here But still they are so near
It is not I who sleeps It is you who sleeps... you sleep Insane you sleep, I sleep in sanity
Käännös: Pannajulistus. Serenadia.
: La, vois, le saule s'incline dessus du ruisseau, comme une personne qui se descend, criant pour l'amant. Me rapelle d'automne, presse dans ton reverence
tears restrained for years Their grief is confined Which destroys my mind An ode to their plight is this dirge Some yearn for lugubrious silence Serenity
: And I often sigh I often wonder why I'm still here and I still cry And I often cry I often spill a tear Over those not here But still they are so
: (Instrumental)
: With loving passion, oh your radiance A serenade I cry Your silk lined coffin the lachrymatory To hold a mourner's tears Ethereal splendor Pale skin
: I hear your voice It sings so softly Curious to join in A harmony to breathe forevermore Joyous the one to hear a voice In fields where grass grows
: In each others arms We cried together And your tears tasted sweet All is not lost And never to be forgotten Like a shiver down my spine The lonely
: It is not I who sleeps It is you who sleeps ... you sleep Insane you sleep, I sleep in sanity
La, vois, le saule s'incline dessus du ruisseau, comme une personne qui se descend, criant pour l'amant. Me rapelle d'automne, presse dans ton reverence
I hear your voice It sings so softly Curious to join in A harmony to breathe forevermore Joyous the one to hear a voice In fields where grass grows