Я хочу дарить тебе подарки, хочу жить с тобой в средневековом замке, Обещаю, что подарю всё, что ты захочешь, даже выдумать не сможешь. Ведь я в себе
These days everybody's chasin' money But I say you got nothin' if you ain't happy Everything I own's in a suitcase in my hand, yeah I've learned how to
'm not coming to your party. I'm not gonna make it over there. I'm not gonna make it your little get-together, baby. No, no, no I'm not gonna come to your fiesta
Zoo-music girl, zoo-music girl Zoo-music girl, zoo-music girl Zoo-music girl, zoo-music girl Zoo-music girl, zoo-music girl Our life together is a hollow
Käännös: Birthday Party. Zoo-music Girl.
: Ho, Ho, Hooooo... Ciao ragazzi ciao (ciao ragazzi ciao) Perche non ridete piu ora sono qui con voi. Ciao ragazzi ciao (ciao ragazzi ciao) voglio dirvi
Ho, Ho, Hooooo... Ciao ragazzi ciao (ciao ragazzi ciao) Perche non ridete piu ora sono qui con voi. Ciao ragazzi ciao (ciao ragazzi ciao) voglio dirvi
It was all just innocent and fun Atleast thats what she said when all was said and done Take another shot and a handful of pills When she found out it
chez toi La mauvaise mine on n'en veut pas Et pour ecouter Sangria On ira tous a la chica ! A la chica ! A la chica ! A la chica ! A la chica !
: Let's go to tonight's party We've got beer abd we've got fun There's gonna be chicks and good music There's no reason not to be there Jump! Jump!