Second Repons Agnus in medio ante solium nos duxit ad aquarum vivos fontes. Flammas Lucifer matutinus inveniat, Ille Lucifer qui nescit occasum. Nam supremus
[Second Repons] 'Ehyeh 'asher 'ehyeh, Heylal ben Shahar. Agnus in medio ante solium nos duxit ad aquarum vivos fontes. Flammas Lucifer matutinus inveniat
[Second Nocturne] Deus in adiutorium meum intende. O Domine, Te ipsum luce velans, Prodis ex alis ventorum. O Domine, Exaudiens omnes preces, Admitte
[Premier Nocturne] Horror, Lucifer solutus, Anguis a catenis suis liberatus. A sparkling shade of hate embraced the whole horizon. A shadow of horror
[Troisieme Lecon] I'll die without a whisper against you, my Lord. Roses her eyes on the weary veil of Dawn. We were lost in a sea of darkness. A
[Premier Repons] Umbra, We watch the Moon of Amber. And again, the Garden mourns its silent dream. Unguarded, some fragments of light linger in your
[Premiere Lecon] I looked into the eyes of the Basilisk. Beside the shores Of silver streaming sadness to be, She came to me disguised as Melpomene
[Seconde Lecon] We entered the heart of darkness. And in the dead of light, The Seventh Angel poured his vial into the air. Embosomed in my Temple
[Troisieme Repons] I am the eyes of the Basilisk. As you enter the forest of my sleep, Drawing aside the bushes of glimmering light, You will remember
[Dernier Nocturne] Cele cette encre qui parchemine ton visage... Dans l'orbe d'une caresse, La Troisieme Soeur adombre la lumiere. Elle aime en silence