new morning So steeped seemed the evening in darkness and blood Let there be no sadness, no sorrow There'll be no road too narrow There?ll be a new day
Una manana desperte Un sol nuevo brillaba El cielo era un reino Todo cubierto en sangre La luna y las estrellas fueron las tropas que se dejaron conquistar
One morn I awakened A new sun was shining The sky was a Kingdom All covered in blood The moon and the stars Where the troops that lay conquered Like fruit
Käännös: Nick Cave ja Bad Seeds. New Morning.
Käännös: Nick Cave ja Bad Seeds. New Morning - Nuevo Amanecer (Version).
: One morn I awakened A new sun was shining The sky was a Kingdom All covered in blood The moon and the stars Where the troops that lay conquered Like
One morn I awakened A new sun was shining The sky was a Kingdom All covered in blood The moon and the stars Where the troops that lay conquered Like
It's up in the morning and on the downs Little white clouds like gambolling lambs And I am breathless over you And the red-breasted robin beats his wings
take a look For they are breathless over you Still your hands, and still your heart For still your face comes shining through And all the morning glows a new
Erik wrote: "The theme is similar to the Nick's song New Morning. Note also that the line 'There'll be no sadness, no sorrow' also is in New Morning.