I really think you suck. I think you really fucking smell. I hate the gosh darn sight of you. You talk all day. You talk all night. Blabbermouth
this sandal shit has got to stop it makes me wanna puke if I see your ugly toes again I don't know what I'll do I'm so sick of Deadheads and assholes
Käännös: Ääniraidalle (muut raidat) soundtrack. Queer as Folk Theme [pisteet kulta].
: I don't know if you like me but it's true I'm totally retarded for you May look like it, but I'm not sniffing glue Or having my mom tell me what
bitch Supported by your girlfriend the witch You're lucky she's around for you She's save your ass, you leech you shrew You pay her back by fucking other
: I really think you suck. I think you really fucking smell. I hate the gosh darn sight of you. You talk all day. You talk all night. Blabbermouth
leave her behind and find another girl You know she'll only bring you hurt make you feel like a jerk Spend your money while you work And wear her lingerie for other
: He rants and raves, he screams and shouts He always flips his lid But deep down inside he loves you kids I know that you think he's just a goon
: Dishpan hands and pots and pans and ashtrays full of butts Pearldiving's the life for me i'm such a little putz The heat the slime I've never been
: Boobarella, it's funny that's her name Since I've seen her, I've never been the same I've saved up from mowing all those lawns To buy Tina Turner
: 1-2-3-4 you're a jerk ?????????????? ?????????????? Oh my head is empty and my brain it hurts I wanna be a real cool guy, wear alligator shirts
: Leader of the Methadones and the Mopes too Wears a green day hat - He don't watch the news He rough - He's tough - He's fun to have around He ain
: Yeah, I was thinking that my life was all through But now it ain't since I got you Oh honey don't don't you be so cool Stick with me I'll stick
: A buncha shit,a buncha puke,thats were I'm coming from I'm in a little trouble beating up my mom I'm gonna live a million years and then I'll go
: Well I was making the scene at my local Burger King And you know the girls were looking real cool Needed a girl and how, and said oh wow there's
: One thing I know is true I need a little girl like you so I can stop hanging around so I can stop making that trip down you know, It's starting
: Funny thoughts and funny words I've said Are rattling around inside my head This world ain't exactly how it seem These day's are wierd and everybody
: I didn't want none(X4) Alright I didn't want none(X4) Alright I didn't want none(X4) Alright I didn't want none Alright