: My knees buckle under me. The ground below is unforgiving, cold and ruthless. There's nothing I can do to keep from falling down. I might as well learn
SO LONG. Tomorrow I'll be long gone. Keep on dreaming, stop repeating mistakes I've made. It's time to change. SO LONG. Tomorrow I'll be long gone. What
lifted from my shoulders. I can feel it all fading away, lifted from my shoulders. So here's to the past before it's all grey. THIS RUSTED SHIP SETS SAIL
: Tonight let's drive away from here. Is this freedom or is this fear? I don't care as long as you come with me. I've been thinking about what I need
Tonight let's drive away from here. Is this freedom or is this fear? I don't care as long as you come with me. I've been thinking about what I need to
My knees buckle under me. The ground below is unforgiving, cold and ruthless. There's nothing I can do to keep from falling down. I might as well learn
away, lifted from my shoulders. I can feel it all fading away, lifted from my shoulders. So here's to the past before it's all grey. THIS RUSTED SHIP