The last night of the fair By the big wheel generator A boy is stabbed And his money is grabbed And the air hangs heavy like a dulling wine She is famous
The last night of the fair By the big wheel generator A boy is stabbed And his money is grabbed And the air hangs heavy like a dulling wine She is Famous
Very old friend Came by today As he was telling everyone in town Of all the love that he'd just found And Marie's the name (of his latest flame) Talked
Käännös: Smiths. Rusholme Ruffians (BBC).
Käännös: Smiths. Rusholme roistoja.
Käännös: Smiths. Marien nimi (Hänen Viimeksi Flame) / Rusholme Ruffians (Rank).
: Very old friend Came by today As he was telling everyone in town Of all the love that he'd just found And Marie's the name (of his latest flame)
: The last night of the fair By the big wheel generator A boy is stabbed And his money is grabbed And the air hangs heavy like a dulling wine She is