con noi Porterai con te Tutto cio che vuoi Balla, salta e urla dai! Non ti stuferai Non ti stancherai Questa e la festa La grande festa Questa e la festa
ambiente siamo allegri su fateci entrar Ci spiece ma stiam spaccando tutto ma e stato lui quel maiale brutto ha iniziato a provocare Alla festa si va
I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan Welcome to the land of fame, excess, whoa am I gotta fit in? Jumped in the cab, here I am for
" I went to the party, but I'll never go back, yo The speakers were shitty and the jams were whack This girl at the bar said, "Northern who?" I said, "It's Northern State
Crazy little party girl, how I love her Partying around the world, she wants to dance Crazy little party girl, there's no other Party, party always ready
You know, quite for no reason I'm here for the season And high as a kite - Living in error With Maud at Cap Ferret (Which couldn't be right)... Everyone
You know, quite for no reason I'm here for the season And high as a kitea?? Living in error With Maud at Cap Ferret (Which couldn't be right)... Everyone
us sickly babies there are hospitals to fill. Good people make us black babies to fill the prison cells. Good people fuck like beasts so the state can
+Holiday For States There are songs about Montana, And New York and Indiana, But the song the nation patiently awaits Is the song I now will bring you
I hopped off the plane at LAX With a dream and my cardigan Welcome to the land of fame excess Am I gonna fit in? Jumped in the cab, here I am for the
1.C'etait un jour de fete J'crois bien qu'c'etait l'printemps Ca m'a tourne la tete J'venais d'avoir vingt ans I' m'a dit qu'j'etais belle Peut-etre pour
I must say it's the most extraordinary experience not everybody I suppose it's something to do with the sun and all that but I wouldn't understand myself
Käännös: Sherman, Allan. Lomaa valtioiden.
Käännös: Viattomien lasten päivä. State Of Gothique.
Käännös: Jumalainen näytelmä. Olen ollut Marvellous Party (Noel Coward).
Käännös: Piaf, Edith. Se oli loma.
Käännös: Pohjois valtio. Juhlissa.