Embryotot, Du wirst verrA?ckt werden, laA? uns Deinen Schmerz lindern. Embryotot, Du bist verdammt, versuche erst gar nicht, in dieser Welt voll von HaA
For Living In This Pain And In Agony Til The Devil Comes And Fetches With Glee Kommt Heraus Embryodead You Will Go Mad Let's Ease Your Pain Embryodead
There was a time I thought The mind would force the body There was a time I thought The mind would force the soul But then I went evil But then I went
There Are Two Types Of Men On Our Mother EarthSome Have All The Luck Some Just Live In DirtThere Are Several Types Of The Colour Of The SkinBut What's
Vegetating flesh was always the fee For living in this pain and agony Til the devil comes and fetches with glee Embryodead you will go mad Let's ease your pain Embryodead
Embryotot, Du wirst verra?ckt werden, laa? uns Deinen Schmerz lindern. Embryotot, Du bist verdammt, versuche erst gar nicht, in dieser Welt voll von Haa
Käännös: Wumpscut. Embryodead.
Käännös: Wumpscut. Embryodead [torakka Muokattu].
Käännös: Wumpscut. Embryodead [deejaydead Remix].