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Käännös: Carole King-Deluxe Anthology. Carole King-. Bitter With The Sweet. Pidä kädet pois My Baby.
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Käännös: Daily Ukulele - Leap Year Edition. Makea Caroline. Kuten Tears Go By. Espanjan Eyes. Back In The Saddle Again.
Käännös: Real Pikku Best Fake Book Ever - 3rd Edition - C Edition. Palo-ja Rain. Lady in Red. Espanjan Eyes. All My Loving.
Käännös: Ampuminen in the Wind. Singin 'in the Rain. Tears in Heaven. My Way. Always On My Mind.
Käännös: Paras Fake Book Ever - Bb 2nd Edition. Dust in the Wind. Palo-ja Rain. Jätin sydämeni San Francisco. King of the Road.
Käännös: Paras Fake Book Ever - 2nd Edition - Eb Edition. Candle in the Wind. Dust in the Wind. Palo-ja Rain. King of the Road.
Käännös: Paras Fake Book Ever - C Edition - 4th Edition. Beautiful In My Eyes. Colour Of My Love. In Navy.