Käännös: 100 Kestävä Irish Session Tunes. High Road To Linton. King Of Fairies. Pikku Beggarman. Trip To The Cottage.
Käännös: Korkea Kings. Korkea Kings. Korkea Kings. Korkean Kings. Pikku Beggarman.
Käännös: Kaikki Pretty Little Horses. Kaikki Weary Äidit of the Earth. All Through the Night. America The Beautiful.
Käännös: Folksong Fake Book - C Edition. Kaikki Pretty Little Horses. All Through the Night. Go, Tell It on the Mountain.
Käännös: Celtic Fake Book - C Edition. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean. All Through The Night. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean.
Käännös: Rise Up Singing - Group Singing Songbook. Kaikki Pretty Little Horses. Kaikki Weary Äidit of the Earth. Catch The Wind.