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Käännös: Real Pikku Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - C Edition. Blue In Green. Blues In The Closet. Blues in the Night.
Käännös: Real Pikku Ultimate Fake Book - 3rd Edition. Teini in Love. Aina True To You In My Fashion. April in Paris.
Käännös: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - C Edition. Blues In The Closet. Blues in the Night. Cat Walk. Fiesta In Blue.
Käännös: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - Eb Edition. Rakkaus Walked In. Night in Tunisia. Someday My Prince Will Come.
Käännös: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - Bb Edition. Rakkaus Walked In. Night in Tunisia. Someday My Prince Will Come.
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Käännös: Ultimate Fake Book - 5th Edition. Eikö se Kick In The Head. Aina True To You In My Fashion. April in Paris.