Käännös: Lyric Book. Luck Be a Lady. A Little Bit of. Joskus kun We Touch. Three Times a Lady. Way We Were.
Käännös: Lopulliset Bob Dylan Songbook. Do Right To Me, Baby. Goin 'To Acapulco. Got My Mind koostuu. Jack-A-Roe.
Käännös: Rolling Stones. Rolling Stones Fakebook sisältää 167 äänitettyä kappaletta vuosina 1963 ja 1971.
Käännös: Real Pikku Ultimate Fake Book - 3rd Edition. As If We Never Said Goodbye. Olet Got What It Takes. Baby Elephant Walk.
Käännös: Best Rock Pop Fake Book. B-A-B-Y. Things We Do For Love. Bust A Move. We Are Family.
Käännös: Rolling Deep. What A Wonderful World. We Shall Overcome. Give A Little Bit. We Are Family.
Käännös: Ultimate Country Fake Book - 5th Edition. Ei Goin 'Down. Ovatko Good Times todella Over For Good.